Tuesday, March 27, 2012

"Tough Guy vs. Pain Baby"

My husband, Mark, has had a really bad cold for the past 9 days. Whenever I've talked to women about the "sick husband syndrome", about 95% complain that their big, tough husband becomes the world's biggest wimp when he's sick. He takes over the couch, the remote, and expects to be nursed back to health with lots of homemade chicken soup, Sprite, and cold medication. He also seeks out the sympathy of the entire family. There is alot of moaning and groaning from the couch...along with the coughing, hacking, and sniffling.

My husband, however, is NOTHING like the man I have described in the above paragraph.
I would totally play into that whole scene if he WERE a "pain baby"...I love nurturing and waiting on my man "hand-and-foot." Chalk it up to my Mexican heritage, but I love spoiling my husband. The problem with my man is that he was raised in a home where toughness and perserverance were supreme. In other words, you don't wimp out when you're sick. You "suck-it-up" and continue on with your work and other responsibilities. Sick days? What the heck is a "sick day"? Oh, and did I mention that my husband HATES to take any type of medication or even vitamins/herbal supplements. In the past, when he has taken any type of medication, he will SWEAR that it causes him to get blurred vision,light-headed, or any number of side effects. So, here I am watching him suffer and I can't even offer him a Sudaphed or Nyquil. The big breakthrough was him taking 1,000 mg. of Vitamin C. I cannot get him to slow down his work schedule, either. He went ahead and led his Deacons & Staff in a weekend leadership retreat in the mountains this past weekend. Then he left at 7:45 AM to start his Sunday....by the time we had 2 Worship Services, Drama Rehearsal and then Community Prayer Rally in the evening, it was 8:45 by the time we got home. "Do you want me to cancel Small Group tonight, Honey?" I asked. "No, I'm not wimping out." I don't feel that bad!

Mark comes by this toughness quite naturally. His parents are well into their 80's and lead very active lives. His mom gave birth to 7 children naturally, and she is proud of the fact that in her entire lifetime she's never taken more than a couple of aspirin. His Dad is a survivor of WWII AND cancer. Mark's early years were spent in a farmhouse on the South Dakota prairie where the snowdrifts would literally block the front door. These people are strong and resilient. No one was coddled...even if you were sick. Get over it...move on...don't complain about anything.

When I was growing up I saw my parents, especially my Dad, pop alot of pills. He had alot of health issues and dealt with chronic pain. I am not sure if that contributed to my low pain tolerance, but I will do everything in my power to PREVENT getting sick because I HATE being ill. Therefore, I will take vitamins and if I even get the slightest sense that I might be coming down with a cold, I will pop megadoses of Vitamin C and echinachea, get to bed early, etc. I am also germaphobic, so I will wash my hands frequently and when out in public will use antibacterial hand cleanser regularly. The first year I taught elementary school I caught every imaginable ailment that a 6 year old child could carry into the classroom. However, after that first year, I built up a resistance and have been extremely healthy every since.

So, my greatest struggle is to sit back and watch my husband suffer and not be proactive in FIGHTING off this cold. I just pray for a quick healing and pray that no one else in the family catches it. I will sign-off now-- I need to go and sanitize some more surfaces...

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