Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dejavu...I've Been Here Before

This weekend we will move our baby girl (age 23) to a new state, a new home, and a new job. She will be sharing a house with another lady and working for the Associated Press as a Legislative Reporter, which means she will cover all the news related to the Nevada State Capital...which is in Carson City, not Reno or Las Vegas :) This will be a full-time job, but will only last 6 months--the duration of the Legislative session. She is very excited to get into the AP as a full-timer, even though she had a fabulous internship with the AP in LA and got to be in probably one of the busiest and most exciting news bureaus in the business...covering some high-profile stories (ie., Michael Jackson death, Jaycee Duggard kidnapping, etc.) This position will be a challenge but Michelle is very excited about it and she has been covering local government so she is no stranger to this venue.

I feel like I am dropping my little girl off at college once again! I will never forget loading-up the family minivan and attending Orientation at Biola University when she was a freshman. Mark cried all the way home after he waved his final goodbye to Missy as she scurried up the steps to her dorm. I worried about what she might have forgotten to if she were going to some Third World Country that didn't have Walmart or Target 2 blocks away!

This time as I get ready to help my daughter "launch" I struggle with the dilemma of: "Do I make all the preparations for her move myself, or do I let HER grow up and take care of the details? While I am still sorting through this, I have gone ahead and acted like a typical "Mexi-Mama"...I already discovered there are two Super Walmarts in Carson City, no Chase bank branches, but one sole Chase ATM in the community, and I have the name of a towing service that accepts State Farm Insurance. I have also collected two sets of bed sheets, pillows, a coffee maker, and a storage unit that she can take with her. I am also debating whether or not to send her a large jar of homemade salsa and a large bag of her favorite "On the Border" tortilla chips. Am I making it too easy for her to grow up? Will she really appreciate all that I do for her if she never has to struggle a little bit? I want to pack enough toiletries for her so that she never has to venture inside one of those WalMarts!

Yesterday afternoon, upon returning from my daily walk, I discovered that one of the tires on Michelle's car had a huge nail in it and was getting flatter by the minute. She was working a split-shift and would need the car for an evening meeting she was covering for the newspaper. So, I did what any super-mom would do. I had my fit, young 25 year-old son pump enough air into the tire so we could drive into town to get the flat fixed. All the while my little princess was working at home and letting her "personal assistants" take care of life's little annoyances. I am not saying she doesn't appreciate it...all three of my twentysomething kids verbally express to their parents how much they appreciate all that we do for them. I think that because I have been a stay-at-home mom for most of my parenting years, I have been more ready to "rescue" the kids and do alot of chores FOR them. In contrast, friends of mine who worked full-time jobs had to ask their teenagers and young adults to carry more of a load of responsibility. Of course, all three of my kids have lived away from home and at that point I truly "let go." I don't hover, stalk, fly to SoCal for the weekend....none of that. Once those birdies fly out of the nest, they are "out of sight, out of mind." I only smother when they are under my roof. They have proved that they CAN be responsible when they are "solo." They managed their finances responsibly, graduated with highest honors, excelled in their extracurricular activities, and stayed faithful to the Lord and to church while they were away. Maybe they are appeasing me and making me feel "needed". Not that I am sitting around with nothing to do. I have many meaningful activities that I am involved in, not to mention that I care for my elderly mom. I am blessed to be able to stay at home so that I can support my husband's pastoral ministry and be involved in so many church activities. I enjoy serving my family, so it is not that it is a "burden" to me, I just wonder if I am over the top?

I will bring this to a close so that I can go clean my daughter's bathroom. She left for work and now it is time for the "maid"to come in and clean. Does anyone know where I can get one of those paper strips for the toilet that say: "SANITIZED FOR YOUR PROTECTION?"

1 comment:

jninecostumes said...

Too funny. Everytime my daughter leaves, I go in to clean for purely selfish reasons: I like the clean room and you never know when you need a guest room. I always worry about my kids but do live by the out of sight, out of mind thing. They are both capable and do so much without me. It's just nice to be needed!

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