Friday, March 26, 2010

Get a Life

Today my husband and I had a date--sort of. We scheduled to trek down the hill to Roseville Kaiser to get our annual physical checkups. We had labwork done so he had to fast for 12 hours. The worst part of that was NO COFFEE this morning; on the upside, when you fast for that long your weigh-in will be much more encouraging. I also chose to wear the lightest clothes that I owned and didn't wear my usual big earrings and bangle bracelets. It was worth it...I weighed 3 lbs less than I did 3 years ago. My blood pressure was on the low-side, so the nurse joked that if I want to raise it all I have to do is "eat more salt"! When the doctor (who, by the way, was about 14!) asked if I was on any meds she was surprised to hear that I only take multi vitamins, calcium, and Claritin for seasonal allergies. I told her, "Yeah, for someone as old as me, I'm pretty darn healthy!" Mark was in another building getting his check-up and he got an equally good report. The jury is still out, however, as we haven't received results back on the labwork...I mean, we might have 3 months to we celebrated by going to Sizzler for all-you-can-eat salad bar..because life is too short!

1 comment:

jninecostumes said...

Great to see you join the world of blogging. I've had mine for several years but just started getting fairly active.

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