Saturday, February 21, 2015

Welcome to Grandma-Land!

Three and a half weeks ago, I entered a new world: the world of grandparenting!  I didn't understand why all my friends talked about how wonderful it was to be a grandma---you know, "spoil 'em, feed 'em sugar, and send 'em home!"  I didn't expect to fall head-over-heels in love with a baby...but that all changed when I set my eyes on precious Josiah Scott--all 9 lbs. 1 oz of him!  He looks just like his Daddy when he was born almost 30 years ago---except that he has navy-blue eyes just like his Mommy!  Mark & I were able to be at the hospital while my daughter-in-law was laboring.  When it looked like it was going to be a long, long night before she delivered, we went to our accommodations at the campus where Ryan & Janai live.  By 7 am we got news that our big boy had been born, via c-section.  We couldn't get to Santa Rosa fast enough! When we saw this beautiful gift that God had given us, we cried tears of joy!

After a few days of staying at the hospital with the kids, we had to return to Grass Valley to get back to work and to our other commitments.  I couldn't wait until I could return to see the grandbaby.  My daughter-in-law's Mom was staying for a few more days, and the rest of Janai's family would join everyone to celebrate the birth of the new baby. So, after all of the relatives returned to their home in Arkansas, I drove to the Bay Area to enjoy the grandbaby.  My goal was to spend some special time with the baby, and to help with housekeeping, grocery shopping, and cooking.  I left for the kids' home after I church was over on Sunday.  I came bearing groceries and 4 entrees that I had prepared in advance.  I also brought an assortment of cleaning supplies.  I loved the 5 days I got to spend with the kids and newborn Josiah!  We enjoyed going to his 3-week check-up and getting the good news that he was healthy and thriving---he had gained one pound and two ounces and a 1/2 inch in length.

  We enjoyed walks around the Seminary which has a view of the Bay and the hills of Marin County.  The weather was perfect--unseasonably warm and in the 70's.  It was such a joy to see the baby enjoy his bath and to see him actually interact with me and SMILE!  No, not one of those baby smiles that mean he just passed gas---I am talking about the baby actually engaging--connecting with the people in his life and studying their faces.  I spent those 5 days just being mesmerized and entertained by all the little noises Josiah would make and we were saying "Ah, oh..." whenever he would stretch his little arms and legs out.

 It was difficult to leave on Friday morning after I had loaded-up my van.  I can't wait until Ryan, Janai & Josiah come up to visit us in a few weeks.  I am sure that even in that short time, I will notice big changes in Baby Josiah.  I am grateful for "FaceTime" so that I can keep up with the day-by-day growth and changes that will occur in my grandson.  I cannot even imagine how much lies ahead for me in this new world of grandparenting...I am sure it only gets better....toddling, talking, walking, trips to the park, trips to the lake, traveling to family gatherings...I had better keep up my exercise regiment so that I can keep up with an active little boy.  Yes, this is better than I could have ever imagined.  I am so very blessed to have this new addition to our family.