Monday, August 2, 2010

I Have a New Teenager!

Mark and I survived raising 3 teenagers...and I think with each one we had to call our State Farm Agent for a claim regarding: 1) car vs. parked car, 2) car vs. garage door, 3) car vs. Ryan on a bicycle thereby resulting in damage to another person's vehicle when Ryan's body dented the gentleman's Honda as he rolled over the hood (and was totally unscathed.) But, as they have matured, and become better motorists, we haven't had any issues recently. This morning, however, I realized I am the mother of yet another "teenage driver." She is 83, and she is my Mom. She drives a 1985 Mercury Gran Marquis--which is the size of an oil tanker---and she has to use a little cushion so she can see over the steering wheel. Therefore, parking lots become a special challenge for my 4 foot 10 inch tall Mama. She called me to tell me that as she was parking in the Community Center where her church meets in Colfax, she scraped the side of the vehicle on a retaining wall. I would be in tears if this was MY Focus that had been scraped, because so far, it's in pretty good shape for a 2005 model. Mama's "Tuna Boat", however, has it's share of dings, dents, and broken body parts---and all of the little mishaps occurred when Mom had to try to park her monstrosity into a parking lot at the Care Home where Dad resided.
She didn't learn to drive until she was 30, and has always been a nervous wreck (excuse the pun) when driving. She has also had some encounters with the side of the garage. So, when she returns from her Mexico trip I will have to take the car in for body work. My Dad was always neurotic about his vehicle....kept it spotless and waxed...he was an excellent driver and didn't have any scratches on the car...all I can say is that I am glad there are "no tears in Heaven"...and I am interpreting that to mean that Daddy will be spared from seeing the cracked taillight and dented side panel on his precious blue sedan :)